3 Reasons Having a Side-Hustle Could Destroy Your Work Ethic & How to Avoid It

Making sure you aren’t falling behind as you try to get ahead

Breana Wallace
6 min readMar 12, 2022

Our generation is all about side hustles.

We glorify the grind (while many of us also simultaneously rage against it), find ways to monetize any number of our hobbies and social media channels, and we keep on hustlin’.

During the pandemic

  • 56% of Millenials started a side-hustle.
  • 63% did so because they wanted extra money.
  • 30% started because they wanted to do something they’re passionate about.

There’s even a super popular commercial about it that aired during the Superbowl where Dolly Parton revamped her famous “9–5” song to show the reality of what many of us take on as our “second shift”…the 5–9 hustle.

The other side of these stats though is that 80% of Millenials have reported some level of burnout during this time.



Breana Wallace

Top Writer | UX Designer, Innovator & Mentor to Passionate People | Enjoying my mini-retirement 🏖️ Join Medium Today: https://breanawallace.medium.com/members