Hey Sahil, thanks for reading! As far as planning the financial side, it’s really just about being able to replace your income during that time off. That could be through savings, passive income streams, investments etc.
Personally, I focused on 2 fronts: Lowering my living expenses by paying off all of my debt (so I don’t have monthly payments that need to be made on things, which lowered my monthly bills I’d need to cover), and saving up the amount I’d need for a year of my living expenses + travel. Moving into the RV was originally to give us the ability to travel, but we were surprised to find that it also lowered our living expenses. So even for rent now, we only pay for our RV site + utilities (~$600 per month) compared to our apartment that was $1,600 before. Now that we own the RV, we’ve also got about $30,000 in equity in it for once we sell it. (They depreciate, but not much more than where we already bought it).
On the other hand, the longer-term approach would be to replace your income more permanently. So with savings, you’ll obviously go through those, but with investments and different income streams, you might theoretically never have to go back to work if you always had money rolling in. That’s the next financial goal :)
- Hope that was helpful!