Loved your article! I also started out with making a small change before taking the full on leap. 2 years before fully quitting my job, my fiance and I went remote and moved into an RV to travel. We quickly found that we were spending a ton of time in new locations stuck in the RV working full-time still (duh), but it bothered us far more than we realized.
We made a plan to use our new super cheap lifestyle, and high incomes to pay off everything we owned and our debt to eventually hit a point where we had practically no bills. After that, we saved up for me to take a year off of work (we already had a year saved before debt-paydown) and then I quit! It's been 2 months and I feel like a completely different person. I sleep better, I'm happier, and I'm SO MUCH MORE CREATIVE!
It's crazy how much your personality can slowly change over time without you even noticing. I highly suggest to everyone to make a plan to take a step away, even for a little bit, so see what changes for them if they are struggling.
Thanks for sharing, and good luck on your journey!